Financial Planning

Our firm offers a complete array of financial planning services and will work closely with you to help you achieve your financial goals. We will help you determine your net worth and plan a workable budget to meet your expenses. Our financial planning services include investment counseling, retirement planning, college funding, estate planning, and many more.

  • Debt And Financial Services
    Many Americans are facing the pain of large credit card or student loan balances that they do not know how to pay off. We offer complete debt and financial counseling services, including installment debt consolidation, refinancing, and repackaging.
  • Education Funding
    The costs of a college education are continually rising, far outstripping the normal rate of inflation. We will help you determine your best approach to save for your children’s education, which could be either a 529 plan, prepaid tuition plan, or Coverdell account. We’ll also help you take advantage of other tax-favorable treatment of education expenses, such as the Hope and Lifetime Learning Credits.
  • Investment Review
    Our firm will perform a custom portfolio analysis and review the risks and returns of specific investments including stocks, bonds, cash, REITs, and limited partnerships. We will also determine an optimal asset allocation for you by taking your unique personal and financial goals, time horizon, and risk tolerance into account.
  • Retirement Planning
    It is never too early to start planning for retirement. If you want to live the same lifestyle--or an even better one--than you do now, you need to start planning for retirement...NOW. We will help you compare the relative benefits of stocks, bonds, and other retirement assets, and will explain the differences between such retirement plans as standard IRAs, tax-deferred annuities, and Roth IRAs. We can analyze your projected income and expenses and suggest investment funding techniques to help you ensure your golden years 10, 20, and even 50 years from now live up to your expectations.
  • Estate Planning
    We offer estate planning services to help you minimize federal and state estate tax liabilities, and to determine if you will have a deficit or surplus of assets after taxes and settlement costs have been resolved. We will endeavor to protect your heirs from the unneeded emotional devastation that can be caused by estate tax levies.